The Skeleton Key (2005) Spille Streaming

The Skeleton Key delivers on all formulaic counts, except one: It never serves up any truly nightmare-inspiring scares.. There's lots of bad stuff brewing on the bayou in this occasionally scary but more often silly movie, which wastes some good actors along the way.. It's basically Rosemary's Baby, Cajun style, with a pinch of Amityville Horror for kick.. Though the story is as creaky as a plantation porch, Iain Softley's lushly atmospheric The Skeleton Key does offer a few nifty twists on the ...


Spøgelseshuset (2003) Download Film

The movie's horror angle also reminds us of Vampire in Brooklyn, the last in a string of Murphy flops before The Nutty Professor saved his screen career in 1996. With this listless foray, Eddie is twice bitten.. A minor chiller and major downer from the talented Alexandre Aja.. More Disneyland ride than movie, short on plot and long on dazzling visuals for the kiddies.. Rob Minkoff has directed a movie that's nearly laughless and nowhere near as frightening as what's happened to Eddie Murphy's c...


The Losers (2010) Online Streaming

The Losers -- co-written by Peter Berg, who made the similarly loud and out-of-control The Kingdom -- makes a whole lot of noise without making a great deal of sense.. Movies aren't loaded weapons, though sometimes, they do go off when their users aren't careful.. White and director of photography Scott Kevan, who collaborated on Stomp the Yard, have some seriously inventive visuals, which at times are smash-cut fabulous.. How dumb is it? You might actually kill a few million brain cells just wa...


The Forgotten (2004) Se Streaming

The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Perhaps wisely leaves more questions than it answers and for the most part manages to maintain its suspense.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it...


The Gift (2015) Online Streaming

At heart this is a three-character chamber piece. And Bateman, Hall and Edgerton are three very interesting actors showcased in a confident directorial debut.. This indie pulse-raiser is more of a stealth shocker than an overt one, even if the twisted payoff is telegraphed to anyone paying attention.. Edgerton's touch as a director and writer is fluid - he eerily holds our attention, like Hitchcock holds a door for Tippi Hedren.. A dark and ultimately quite nasty psychological thriller from acto...


The Best Offer (2013) Fuld Streaming

What can I tell you about The Uninvited that you haven't already heard about every other instantly forgettable horror flick?. The Uninvited is a mess of styles and stolen ideas, including a plot twist that would make M. Night Shyamalan roll his eyes and dialogue straight from a CW scene generator.. An effective blend of thriller and horror.. Part of the pleasure in watching The Best Offer is the elegant, unassumingly suspenseful way it unfolds.. The plot borrows as freely from Hitchcock and Henr...


Mystic River (2003) Fuld Streaming

The movie, engrossing as it is intentionally horrifying, is capped by a last-minute revelation that brings the story to a haunting, powerful close.. It is an impressive movie masquerading as an important one.. Solid, rarely showy performances, meticulously recreated detective work and moments of pure unadulterated grief accent this whodunit, a movie that will have those who haven't read the book fooled for much of its length.. Deals with themes Eastwood has often explored before, but never so de...