Broken Flowers (2005) Online Streaming

It kept me absorbed all the way through, especially the collaboration between acting auteur Bill Murray and Mr. Jarmusch in virtually every frame of the film.. It's many things: a terrific performance piece for a handful of good actors, an engaging metaphor and a so-so piece of storytelling.. Murray manages, almost impossibly, to come up with still another rich variation on his Depleted Man persona, and his performance is at once enormously generous and fiercely, concisely witty.. Completely cha...


Parkland (2013) Fuld Film Streaming

A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. A collection of powerfu...


Mirrors (2008) Spille Streaming

A minor chiller and major downer from the talented Alexandre Aja.. How could horror be so dull?. Alexandre Aja keeps the suspense tight for most of the movie, only to fritter it away in an overblown ending.. At nearly two hours, Mirrors is overlong for a summer horror toss-off, and the movie's three or four false endings make it seem even more of a haul.. Mirrors reflects little beyond Splat Pack auteur Alexandre Aja's desire to push his genre into less punishing and more profitable territory.. ...


Without a Paddle (2004) Fuld Film Streaming

How do you siphon the laffs from a surefire gut-busting premise like city slickers stuck in the sticks? ... you assemble a cut-rate Three Stooges, inject tired '80s nostalgia and some moralistic goo about carpe-ing the diem.. Disappointing is too soft a choice of words.. Without has all the freshness of moldering Playboys stashed under a mattress, but it evokes what few boys-will-be-boys larks can: chumminess.. . Fans of all-star catastrophes are advised to see it early and often.. This is an ex...


Shooter (2007) Spille Streaming

Shooter eventually gets in its own way by hitting things too hard, too loud and too long.. The engaging, fast-talking idiosyncrasy of [Wahlberg's] performance in The Departed has vanished.. Shooter won't win any Oscars, but it has blood and brains, and even some heart. They're splattered all over the screen.. Its pleasures are borrowed, but durable.. If Abrams had stuck with the kids and cut way back on all the sci-fi hoo-ha, his film might have stood a fighting chance of being charming. Big is ...


Gone Baby Gone (2007) Download Film

Structurally, it's a bit murky, but in every other way Gone Baby Gone marks a triumph for the Affleck brothers.. Gone Baby Gone quietly accumulates in power, leading to one of the more subtly devastating final shots in recent memory.. . Let's start with the running time for Silent Hill: two hours and five minutes. Totally out of control.. Stuffed with cheap effects and devoid of tension, this French-Japanese-U.S. co-production contributes exactly zilch to the rich film history of those three nat...


Devil's Due (2014) Download Fuld

The movie's found-footage conceit never creates a proper atmosphere, something essential to any horror film but particularly one involving the occult.. The author's obsession with the number 23 becomes Walter's, and we're treated to a lot of examples of numbers that add up to 23, which means a lot of scenes in which people say things like, 'What's 14 plus 9? 23!' and look haunted.. There's little in this first script by Fernley Phillips but bloodless notions -- nothing that might qualify, by the...